• No Mere Irish

The Kennedys of Mount Kennedy

The seventeenth century in Ireland was a time of huge change. At its beginning, there were still significant areas under Catholic Gaelic ownership and cultural sway; by the end – almost none. The story of how the island made this journey is not well known.

 This Kennedy family provides us with a window into a turbulent century from the point of view of people who lived there. They were one of the few Gaelic lines who not only became thoroughly anglicized, but who went that one step further and embraced Protestantism. Their story shows how this accelerated their rise to power and improved their social standing. They became lords of a manor and baronets. Yet despite their adroit manoeuvring, the instability of the times eventually led to their undoing. The final twist to their story sees the last baronet become a Benedictine priest.


This book will be of interest not only to those who live in Newtownmountkennedy and the surrounding communities in Co Wicklow, but also to Dubliners, as a major part of their story is set in this city. It is a book for anyone who is interested in Irish history, especially when told from a family’s own experience. Up close and personal makes history come alive.

Author Bio

Therese Hicks, originally from the United States, has lived in Newtownmountkennedy, Co. Wicklow for the past 20 years. After retiring from the HSE as a psychotherapist in 2014, she returned to her earlier interest in history, and began to look into the local history of her current home. Her investigations led her to the estate papers of the Kennedys of Mount Kennedy. With much assistance from professional historians, she has discovered their story, not previously told.


Publisher Wordwell
Publication Data October 2022

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No Mere Irish

  • ISBN: 978-1-913934-76-7
  • Author(s): THERESE HICKS
  • Availability: In Stock
  • €25.00
  • €15.00

Tags: No Mere Irish, The Kennedys of Mount Kennedy